If you want to be like the fine upstanding supernatural cadets of the Thousand Worlds Space Forces, you should reserve your mystical powers for only the most extreme circumstances, and then use them solely for the achievement of proper military objectives.
Okay, that may be what they want you to believe they do, but we’ve heard stories of certain cadets using their supernatural abilities for more . . . recreational purposes. Let’s be honest though, we’d all do the same!
Fox spirits like Min are gifted with the power to transform themselves into inanimate objects such as tables and chairs. This unique skill could be used for reconnaissance—for instance, if you ever wanted to hear what your friends say about you behind your back. That is, if you’re comfortable with them unknowingly planting their butt on your chair-face.
Weather Manipulation
The ability to control wind and water is exclusive to the dragon race. And of all the powers in the universe, this one might indeed be the most useful. You could prevent your friends from being rained out of the music festival they paid too much money to attend. Or give them a much-needed snow day during midterms. Just make sure your buddies don’t take advantage of your generosity. You know they’re also going to ask for rides on your back.
In order to track down her missing brother, Min has to use her power of Charm on practically everyone she comes across. This subtle influence over people’s thoughts is just the ticket she needs to gain access to places she otherwise couldn’t enter. It has different uses, too, like when you need to convince the teacher that you actually did hand in that missing homework. Charm doesn’t work all the time, though. If you steal your bunkmate’s shrimp crackers, all the Charm in the galaxy won’t cover up your fish-breath.
Magical Spork
Speaking of food, this brings us to possibly our favorite superpower in the entire galaxy. As Sujin’s already famous spork demonstrates, goblins can use their magic to whip up a snack from thin air. Comes in handy when you’re trying to make new friends, test out recipes, or replace your bunkmate’s shrimp crackers. (Seriously, we have no idea who took them.)
Which power would you choose? Let us know!