The Red Pyramid
The Kane Chronicles

The Red Pyramid
The Kane Chronicles
Sadie and Carter discover that the gods of Egypt are waking, and the worst of them—Set—intends to destroy the world. To stop him, they embark on a dangerous quest that brings them ever closer to the truth about their family, and their links to a secret and ancient order.
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More about The Red Pyramid
Carter and Sadie Kane are siblings. But they don’t look alike—he is dark-skinned and she is light. They don’t sound alike—he grew up in America, she grew up in London. And they sure don’t act alike—he’s studious and serious, she’s wisecracking and forceful. Given their personality differences, it’s probably just as well they only spend two days a year together.
But one night, all that changes. Their father, famous Egyptologist Dr. Julius Kane, has been granted special access to the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum. He brings Carter and Sadie with him but warns them to stay back. Then, muttering something about “making things right”, he performs a weird ritual on the stone with a boomerang-shaped ivory wand.
Suddenly…BOOM! The Rosetta Stone explodes. Chunks of stone fly through the air in all directions. Chunks of stone…and something else. Or rather, five somethings. Julius Kane has unwittingly released the five most powerful gods of Egypt—Isis, Horus, Osiris, Nephthys, and Set—into the world. And that’s when the real trouble begins.
Egyptian gods aren’t like other deities. They prefer to wield their power by joining with mortals to form a potent combination of immortal energy and human creativity. Hosting a god doesn’t always go well, however. When Osiris chooses Carter and Sadie’s father as his host, a golden sarcophagus rises from the museum floor, envelops Julius, and disappears.
The siblings are horrified and heartbroken, but before they can begin to process what happened, they’re whisked away by their uncle Amos to Brooklyn House. Brooklyn House is more than just the family home. It’s the local headquarters of the House of Life, an ancient and secret order of Egyptian magicians. Amos is an Egyptian magician. So were their father and mother. Egyptian magic is in their blood, and if trained properly, Carter and Sadie can become magicians too.
Carter and Sadie can’t wrap their minds around it. Gods and magic are real? Their parents were magicians? And what’s the deal with Sadie’s cat Muffin?
They learn the answer to the last question that night, when monsters attack the house. Sadie’s cat Muffin transforms into a sleek woman with razor sharp knives tucked into her sleeves. Her name is Bast, and she’s the goddess of…well, cats, obviously.
Bit by bit, more comes to light. The most important revelation? Sadie and Carter are godlings. When the Rosetta Stone exploded, Isis, the goddess of magic, chose Sadie as her host. Horus, the falcon god of war, chose Carter. And that means trouble. The House of Life forbids magicians from hosting gods. The penalty for doing so is death.
With a death threat hanging over their heads, Carter and Sadie flee for their lives, straight into a dangerous adventure that begins in Cairo, takes them through a mysterious realm called the Duat, and ends in a face-to-face confrontation with the god of evil in the desert of Arizona. They can’t help but wonder what will kill them first, the pursuing Egyptian magicians or the horrors within the red pyramid…