Dawn of the Jaguar
Rick Riordan Presents

Dawn of the Jaguar
Rick Riordan Presents
From best-selling author J.C. Cervantes comes the follow-up to Lords of Night, and the conclusion of Ren Santiago’s story, set in the same world as the critically-acclaimed Storm Runner trilogy.
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More About Dawn of the Jaguar
Shadow bruja Ren Santiago was relentlessly pursued by the evil Aztec Lords of Night, who claimed that she was destined to be their queen, a destiny she wasn’t willing to accept. So she chose death instead. Too bad death wasn’t the answer to her problems. Ren soon realizes she must return to the land of the living to make things right. Unfortunately, that means negotiating with Ixtab, queen of the underworld. Ixtab offers her ten days aboveground to retrieve the discarded crown. If Ren fails, she will return to the darkness for eternity. How will Ren manage to accomplish this task when she has lost all her magic? The answer lies not in manipulating shadows or time, but in recognizing the awesome power that has always been inside her.